Summer 1

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6 Responses to Summer 1

  1. kadra says:

    I enjoyed it when we made the dolls house

  2. kadra says:

    I learnt lots about houses

  3. kadra says:

    Next half term I would like to learn about hello kitty I mean like where she comes from.

  4. bamgj says:

    i enjoyed literacy so much, now with the help of my mum, am looking forward to maths
    i learnt the difference about christians and muslims


  5. slang says:

    Great comments girls! I am glad you learned lots about houses Amaani and that you are beginning to enjoy maths Damola.
    Amaani, I like the idea about Hello Kitty and maybe you could write something about it in the afternoon. I do know that she was invented in Japan about 40 years ago!

  6. joacm says:

    I would like to learn about Denmark and other countries.

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